Space Clearing

I use a unique variety of techniques linked to my many years as a Master Practitioner and High Priestess of Sekhem  – Seichim- Reiki energy medicine, and Earthkeeping -both as taught to me by native tribes and my own global activities across the planet over the last decade.    I also have trained in Geomancy under Dr Patrick MaxcManaway, and teach international students principles of ‘building whispering’.    I work with numerous groups, earth keepers and elders to assist energies to find their right place.  Often there is confusion in spaces because of timelines bleeding through. My specialities are to assist buildings and spaces to come into the right times, to harmonise the needs of the human client with that of the ecosystem and where necessary – to make timeline and energetic adjustments through dialogue and activity across different realms.

Reasons a space may need clearing:
• Curse release
• Energetic imbalances
• Spirit activity
• Geopathic stress
• Stagnancy – old energies lingering from past inhabitants
• New uses for space – needing to inaugurate new energies and intentions

I work with sound, incenses, sacred symbols, quantum clearing and geomancy principles, plus altar and sacred space building (where required).

Space clearing package includes:
• Consultation
• Victoria will then tune in remotely to the space
• Visit the space and give offerings – ‘building whispering’
• Detailed space clearing to release old energies, programmes, ‘drama energies’
• Divination as to next course of action
• Consecration of space into upgraded role
• Homework for the client to build up a new relationship to the space – often can be specific to the needs of the space
• Further work/signposting if required

Prices range from £80 – £500 depending on the nature of the space, depth of cleansing/upgrading and duration of commitment to the space and client.

I can also offer holistic packages for space and client. Often there is a fractal with what is going on in the space and unresolved matters for the client.   Please see my modalities and quantum transfiguration lists for an idea of modalities I can weave in a session with you

Most of the Space clearing work is in the UK but I am sometimes in other locations – please contact me to enquire if you are in another country and need my services.

For more information please email me at

Lotus Programme and Victoria Sinclair

Lotus Launchpad for holistic awakening

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